- Lighten up! Don’t get your panties in a wad about every little thing that happens.
- Forget blame. You can fix the blame or you can fix the problem. Spend your time fixing the problem.
- Forget guilt. Guilt serves little purpose. If you messed up, apologize and move on.
- Forget luck. Lucky people are those who are prepared, recognize opportunities and then act on those opportunities.
- Give up the constant need to be right. Pick your battles. Sometimes it just isn’t worth the fight. Besides, sometimes you’re wrong.
- Scope up. Pettiness is unattractive on all levels.
- Rise above the approval of others. You are never going to to make everyone happy anyway so stop trying.
- Forgive. You can’t be happy when you are full of anger and resentment. Get over it. Forgive them for your sake, not theirs.
- Get healthy and stay that way. It’s hard to be happy and sick at the same time.
- Stop looking for things outside yourself to make you happy. Happiness comes from within.
Based on an excerpt fromPeople Are Idiots And I Can Prove It.