by Dr. Kate | Sep 10, 2019 | Dr. Kate's Blog
For a long time, I lived the belief that to create the life I wanted, I needed to work harder. This meant less sleep, long hours, and even “forgetting” to eat so that I could get the job done. There is a place for rolling up your sleeves and doing the hard work that...
by Dr. Kate | Jun 1, 2019 | Dr. Kate's Blog
As we move through the bumps, jolts and obstacles of life, we can use them to justify our own \”rightness\” or choose to see through the eyes of compassion. When seen most clearly, any person who hurts us is merely a person who is suffering himself or...
by Dr. Kate | Apr 17, 2019 | Dr. Kate's Blog
Ready to get more flow going around the work you love? Do you want to finally receive the abundance that matches the effort you have put into developing work that you love? The following are some beliefs that might be holding you back and what you can do to change...
by Dr. Kate | Mar 16, 2019 | Dr. Kate's Blog
5 Lies You May Believe and What To Do About Them 01 Someone Else is the Expert So You Believe What You Are Told Many people are taught, starting in their childhood, that someone else knows better than they do. While learning to recognize external authority and to...
by Dr. Kate | Mar 4, 2014 | Dr. Kate's Blog
\”But, that is just who i am!\” is one of the most limiting statements ever uttered! If someone would like to ensure that nothing ever changes, then this is definitely the way they want to go. What if you never needed to utter those words? What if,...